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Are you ready for a complete skin transformation from the inside out, that keeps you in balance with nature and is delivered with fierce compassion?

Have you been frustrated by harsh treatments that don't give you the results you want and leave your skin in worse shape than before?

Do you long for skin care that not only makes your skin look better
but also supports your overall well being and peace of mind?


Have you experienced skincare consultations that left you feeling more insecure and less confident,
rather than uplifted and cared for?


So many of my clients never even knew that skin care could weave together ancient wisdom and modern innovations to create truly effective, lasting change in their skin. 

They never knew how great the impact of their emotions was on the conditions in their skin.

They never knew how much it could change their life to truly nurture themselves.

Welcome to innovative, holistic skin care that considers you as a whole human being.


Discover the three-step method that fuses your

body, mind, and spirit,

unlocking the radiant skin you've always desired.

Step 1: Attune

Know thyself

The foundation of true confidence begins with deep self-awareness.  ​

In this first step we take a comprehensive look at how your skin reflects the inner workings of your body with a Radiant Roots Skin Audit.  This isn't just about surface-level symptoms; its about understanding the full picture-how your nutrition, daily habits, stress levels, current products, and lifestyle choices are influencing your skin's health.


This step is all about tuning into the signals your body is sending.  This audit is done with the utmost care and compassion, ensuring that you feel supported every step of the way.  True transformation beings with clarity, and this step is designed to give us a crystal-clear understanding of where you are right now.

Step 2: Align

Remove what blocks you

This step is the crucial phase where we clear the path for your body's natural healing abilities.  Just as a garden thrives when the weeds are cleared, your skin flourishes when we eliminate harmful influences.


We start by addressing unhealthy lifestyle habits such as poor sleep, dehydration and chronic stress that may be holding your skin back.  We help you shift any thoughts that make you feel unworthy of glowing, healthy skin, because true radiance starts from within.


We'll take a look at your current skincare routine, removing any products that might be doing more harm than good.  We'll access your daily nutrition, removing foods that may be impeding your body's ability to heal. 


This step is about creating space in your nutrition, life, and mind for the healthy factors we're about to add in.

Step 3: Adapt

Add in the right support

In this final step we focus on nurturing your skin with everything it needs to heal and thrive.  This is where we add in the elements that truly support and sustain your skin's natural radiance. 


We begin by introducing the right nutrients-both through your diet and with targeted skincare products that have whole-plant active ingredients-to give your skin the nourishment it craves.  We also guide you in adopting healthy lifestyle habits that promote healing, such as proper hydration, restful sleep, and stress-relieving practices.


We incorporate professional treatments that are gentle yet powerful, designed to enhance your body's natural healing processes.  And because true transformation involves the mind as well, we work on mindset interventions that help you embrace your worthiness of your radiant, healthy skin.


This is all about harmonizing these elements so your skin can renew itself fully, allowing your natural beauty to shine from the inside out.

I've already tried the natural/organic route and it didn't seem to work. 
How is this going to be different?

That's because integrative/holistic is not just using natural/organic products.


Integrative esthetics is a branch of holistic treatments that considers the entirety of your person.  If your previous provider didn't ask you questions like:

  • What kinds of foods do you typically eat?

  • How often do you get 7-9 hours of sleep?

  • Talk to me about how often you feel overwhelmed at home or work?

  • What is your typical routine with your skin daily?

  • When you talk about your skin, what emotions come up?

then you didn't receive a true integrative treatment.​


If your treatment plan didn't include:

  • What vitamins and minerals in your diet effect your skin goals,

  • What habits to change,

  • What mindset thoughts we need to work on,

  • What ingredients (not just a product line) will support your skin health,

  • What services will support your skin's function,

then you didn't receive a true integrative treatment.​


Organic just means pesticides weren't used to grow that plant ingredient, which is a great thing to have, but it's certainly not going to change the course of your results.

Natural is a popular marketing buzzword that might mean they use whole plant ingredients, or it might mean nothing at all.


The difference is entire worlds away.


Integrative esthetics is about treating you as an entire human being, instead of picking you apart into seperate pieces.

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Imagine the peace of mind that comes from knowing that every step you take is truly nurturing your skin and well-being.

Let's look at what that means for you:

  • You save money because you no longer purchase products and treatments that won't work for you.

  • You have the grounded confidence that you honor your skin by nurturing it.

  • You know what product ingredients will change your skin for the better, and which ones could be detrimental for it.

  • You feel the kind of radiant self-worth that makes you enjoy caring for your skin.

  • You know how to be discerning in your meal planning, knowing what nutrients your skin needs.

  • Your skin looks and feels healthier.

I invite you to start your journey to radiant skin by bringing all the pieces of yourself back into harmony.

Let me tell you a story...
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When Laura first came to me, she was deeply concerned about the premature aging of her skin.  She noticed more wrinkles than she thought she should have at her age, her skin texture felt rough, and those persistent dark circles under her eyes were really causing her frustration.  Her skin was making her feel like she was aging beyond her years.


Through our comprehensive Radiant Roots Skin Audit, we uncovered that Laura's demanding career was a major contributor to her skin issues.  The long hours and high stress were taking a toll on her skin's ability to heal and regenerate.  Inconsistent sleep and not enough hydration were exacerbating her dark circles and rough texture.


Since we knew stress was a significant factor affecting Laura's skin, we tailored an integrative treatment plan just for her that included physical as well as emotional targets.  We started with targeted microcurrent treatments, Gua Sha massage, and enzyme treatments to rejuvenate her skin.  To address her stress levels, we introduced meditations and marma point therapy, alongside hydrating oxygen treatments.


Laura committed to her new home skin ritual products with dedication, paid attention to staying hydrated, and took steps to manage her stress (like protecting her vacation time).


Over the next 7 months, the transformation was nothing short of amazing.  Her skin becaume much smoother, her tone evened out beautifully, her wrinkles softened, and the structure of her skin became noticeably firmer.


Her face literally radiates vitality.


Laura's journey is a testament to the power of weaving potent skin care with dedicated mindset work.  By addressing the root causes and nurturing her skin with compassion, she achieved truly radiant results. 

Let's get real and vulnerable for a minute here. 



I know it's not really about that one wrinkle, or the redness, or even that blemish that just keeps coming back. 


It's really about being able to walk into that difficult meeting with your head held high and being able to present your valuable ideas without feeling insecure about your skin.


It's about being able to rebuff the coworker who continuously tries to mansplain your job to you, with grounded, certain confidence.


It's about being able to go to the grocery store without makeup on and having the bold courage to say hi to your ex from college, instead of hightailing it to the next aisle.


It's about being the mom who shows her daughters how to value themselves by modeling the behavior first.

Confidence is what allows us to influence our own lives powerfully.

We should be able to have confidence in our appearance without feeling the need to submit ourselves to pain or toxins.


We should be able to receive treatments and use products that align with the integrity of our whole body's health.


and above all,


we should be able to see providers that hold space for us to feel worthy, beautiful, and valued as the whole human we really are.

Hi, My name is Melissa Berry

I'm a trauma informed, licensed esthetician, certified skin nutritionist, and reiki master.  Think of me as your skin's advocate.


I weave together the ancient wisdom from Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the power of whole plant botanical alchemy, and innovative treatments that support your body's natural healing ability in order to create powerful skincare that transforms you from the inside out.


I've had a passion for plants since I was young and helping my parents in our community garden. I'm fascinated by the effects they have on healing the body and truly believe nature provides us the best solutions to care for ourselves.


Working in the beauty industry since 2012, I've witnessed how some providers can unintentionally instill feelings of insecurity in their clients.  I understand how deeply these experiences can impact self-esteem, and I believe that skincare should be an uplifting and empowering journey.  


In my Sanctuary, I focus on building genuine confidence by helping you see and celebrate your natural beauty.  My approach is all about creating a space where you feel valued, understood, and free from judgment.  


Whether you've ever felt judged or thought of as not good enough, I'm here to offer the compassionate care you deserve-helping you embrace your skin with confidence and self-love.

I believe true confidence comes from a grounded connection with your whole self.

Have you experienced frustration like this?

Lucy had tried so many different treatments for her hyperpigmentation and was frustrated, with a capital F.


She had been struggling with darker patches on her cheeks and forehead for years.  She had tried everything from heavy peels to skin lightening serums and even IPL treatments, but nothing seemed to help.  In fact, she felt that the expensive IPL had make her patches even darker.


After a thorough assessment, we determined that Lucy's hyperpigmentation was hormonally induced melasma, an inflammatory condition.


Knowing this, it made complete sense that the IPL had possibly made it worse, since heat (which is created while using IPL) can cause melasma to react by becoming darker.


Situations like this are a prime example of why it is so important to know the root cause of the symptom.  Skin is not a one size fits all deal.


We decided to introduce whole plant anti-inflammatory ingredients into her skincare regimen.  Additionally, we incorporated facial cupping and Gua Sha treatments to support her lymphatic system and help remove the damaged skin cells from within.


In the span of just two months with consistent, non-invasive treatments and dedication to her home care ritual, the darker patches on Lucy's skin were significantly reduced.  


She was pleasantly surprised that gentle, holistic methods could make such a remarkable difference in her skin.

Alright, so what exactly is in this Enlightenment Facial?

A truly holistic audit.

We sit down and really talk about what your concerns with your skin are, what you want to achieve. We talk about your lifestyle, what kind of time you have and when, the amount of stress you face in a normal day.  What your typical meals are, how easy it is for you to stay hydrated.  What your health history is, what you've tried in the past.  And all important, how you feel about your skin.


Then I do a visual analysis which tells me the current condition of your barrier, what conditions are currently presenting in your skin. I can tell how much sebum it has, how hydrated it's staying, determine if any inflammation is present, and what kind of aging signs it may be struggling with.


Then we come up with a plan that fits your goals, your lifestyle, and your needs.

A completely bespoke facial treatment.

A skin care experience completely personalized to your exact needs.  No upsells, no add-ons, or hidden costs.  I take one hour to focus all my attention on beginning the transformation you came in for. 


If your skin needs microcurrent, we do that.  An enzyme treatment, coming right up.  A meditation to calm your hectic mind?  I have several loaded up for you to choose from.


This is a treatment crafted precisely for you.

a set of home care samples to start your transformation.

Since what you do at home is going to account for about 80% of your transformation, I want to make sure you get started out on the right foot, with the right products, knowing exactly how and when to use them.  You'll take with you three sample sized products that I think are the most important in your new skin care ritual.  This pack will last you approximately a week, which is enough time to see how your skin will respond to them.


I'll check in with you in a few days to make sure the products are doing what we expected of them.  If they're not, I'll get you set up with an alternative. Continuous support is the key to true transformation.

a report that gives you what you need to start your journey.

Within 48 hours you'll receive an emailed copy of your Radiant Roots Skin Audit.  This will provide in depth information about the conditions we're going to work on in your skin, why they're popping up, and what holistic interventions will effect them best.  This report will go over what nutrients you need to focus on for your body to heal, what products should make up your at home rituals, what professional treatments we'll use to intervene, and other wellness information that would effect your transformation.

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Are you ready to begin transforming your skin?

What client's are saying about their Enlightenment Facial and Radiant Roots Audit:

Thank you so much for the information!  It's so comprehensive!  -Lindsey G.

Thank you Melissa.  My skin actually feels better this morning!  Linda C.

"Melissa is a goddess!  I have had three sessions with her so far and my skin has never felt better.  I came to her with dry, flaky patches as well as an oily t-zone.  I have never had any luck with getting my skin evened out.  Melissa knew exactly what to do and what products would actually work for my skin.  I tell everyone about her and I would never trust my skin with anyone else!"
Lori G.

Thank you Melissa!  I sincerely appreciate all the information and look forward to working with you again!  Thank you again.  This is great information.  Sheryl T.

"Service and treatments are on a level of their own.  The amount of knowledge that Melissa shares about skin care and self care is astounding.  The facility is quaint, peaceful, and extremely clean. I have a busy, chaotic lifestyle and I look forward to my frequent facial treatments, not just for the treatment, but the tranquility it brings within.  I leave every time feeling so relaxed and at peace with my skin glowing and nourished My aged skin has never looked better.  Her product line not only smells as good as it works, but I look forward to using it each morning and night."
Ann H.


How much does an Enlightenment Facial cost? It is currently at the introductory price of $129, on October 1st, it will be it's regular price of $222.

Are all your products 100% organic? No. Organic means not grown with pesticides. There are many ingredients that aren't grown at all, like clays, which are inorganic. There are also wild-crafted ingredients which means picked from the wild. Those can't be certified organic because there's no man-made farm they're gown in. They simply exist where the Earth throws the seeds. Lots of my ingredients are organic. Lots are also wild-crafted. They are also sustainably sourced, which means that I choose ingredients that are sourced using practices that minimize the impact on nature and the ecosystem.

Do I have to answer all the health questions? Of course not! You get to set your own boundaries for your health privacy. I will ask any questions I think might have to do with the conditions you have concerns about, but you can tell me "I don't want to answer that" at any time. There is no judgement, and I will simply move on.

Who has access to my health information? Your intake forms and reports are kept on a secure server that only I have access to. I will not release any of your health information, before/after photos, reports, or statements said to me without your consent to do so.

What if I just want the Radiant Roots Audit, but don't want the whole facial? Completely doable! The audit alone is $88 and can be scheduled here.


Are you ready for radiance?

​Opening Hours

Mon: Closed

Tue: Closed

Wed: 10:00am-7:00pm

Thurs: 10:00am-7:00pm

Fri: 10:00am-5:00pm

Sat: 9:00am-2:00pm

Sun: Closed

1317 4th Street

Seabrook, Texas 77586


The Radiance Healer's Sanctuary



Introductory price of $129 expires 10/1/24, Regular price is $222

what happens when you click the reserve your appointment button?

You'll be taken to my scheduling app, directly to the Enlightenment Facial option.


You'll need to put in your information, including a debit/credit card number, but you WILL NOT be charged at that time.  Your card simply holds your appointment time.  You will be charged at check out AFTER your appointment has been concluded.


After you submit your request for an appointment time, I will approve it and then send you a welcome message with your online intake forms to fill out before your appointment time.


48 hours before your appointment time you'll receive a text and email reminder.  These will have links to your appointment information, including the address and link to driving directions.


If you have any questions, you can reply to the email or text and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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